Understanding why some New Zealanders have irrational reactions to seemingly innocuous words like ‘Steve Waugh’, ‘Matthew Ridge’ and ‘France’ is crucial.
Our great land has a long and exciting history of being unlucky, hard done by, and triumph. In the first of an occasional series, here’s some of the most ignominious moments in New Zealand sport - you should show the children.
Let me know what I’ve missed - email me or get at me on the Twitter.
The underarm. Yes, we should be over it by now, but if you want to know why daddy has that ‘I support the All Blacks and anyone playing Australia’ t-shirt for painting in, this is probably why:
The America’s Cup gets the blood boiling for some, and makes others want to sail a boat into the ocean and sink it. Here’s why, and also what a proper press conference should look like:
Dean Lonergan knocking himself out in the first 30 seconds of a Test match, then coming back to play the match of his life is an inspiration / warning to us all.
If, like many, you question why ex-cricketer Mark Richardson is on your television so often, here’s why:
Getting Saatchi and Saatchi guy Kevin Roberts involved with the All Blacks did no-one any credit.
Children - never do this.
Thanks for reading - Richard
The week's best NZ sport content
Andrew Voerman has the backstory on the long road to winning the FIFA Women’s World Cup - what an achievement [Stuff]
Dylan Cleaver on why hockey gets millions in funding, while basketball gets naff-all. And why the Chiefs are so rubbish [NZ Herald]
Suzanne McFadden on how women’s sport is making the most of being back playing in the pandemic and picking up new fans around the world [Lockerroom]
Two from RNZ’s fantastic The Detail podcast - Suzanne McFadden on whether the level of investment matches the opportunity for the three upcoming women’s world cups, and a hard look at Super Rugby’s finances.
In case you missed the great man Michael Holding’s Black Lives Matter video - it’s here, you should watch it. There’s follow ups here and here.
Video nasty
The great man Goron Ivanisevic at Wimbledon.
Long read
Long, terrifying introduction to Q Anon, the whackjob conspiracy theory / movement that’s sweeping America and seeping into New Zealand [Atlantic]
Three Identical Strangers packs one bombshell after another, it’s on Netflix.
Selected weekend fixtures
It’s Crusaders v Blues 7pm Saturday night in Christchurch, and Hurricanes v Highlanders in Welly Sunday afternoon at 3.35pm, they’re on SKY
Tactix v Mystics Sunday 7pm in Auckland looks to be the pick of the round, it’s on SKY
Bring back the gif
Just reflecting on being a Chiefs fan in Super Rugby Aotearoa.

Sport Review is the week’s best NZ sport writing and loads more in your inbox every Friday at 8am. Tell your friends!